The Founding of St. Columbkill Church In the early 1900’s the population of Boyertown, slightly more than 3000, was almost the same as it (3900) was at the beginning of this century, but there was no Catholic Church in town at that time. The nearest Catholic Churches were either St. Aloysius in Pottstown or Most Blessed Sacrament in Bally, both of which were about 6 miles away. The lack of automobiles meant that Boyertown residents would have to walk to church. In response to this need, Dennis Cardinal Dougherty established the St. Columbkill Parish on June 9, 1921. At that time Boyertown was part of the Philadelphia Archdiocese since the Allentown diocese would not be created until January 1961.
Father Creemers The first pastor was Father Bernard J. Creemers, a native of Holland who had been a missionary in the Philippines at the same time that Dougherty was a bishop in the Philippines. The first step made by Father Creemers was to purchase a large home at 35 Chestnut Street to serve as the church for the 12 parishioners as well as a rectory. In the early 1900’s Catholics were looked upon with suspicion by many throughout Pennsylvania as well as the entire country. Father Creemers made a concerted effort to have the Catholics accepted as equals by others and was often seen walking through town with the Lutheran pastor, an early ecumenical effort. In 1953 the building was renovated and enlarged to accommodate the approximate 200 parishioners. Stained Glass windows were also added at that time. After 45 years as pastor, Father Creemers died in 1966 and was replaced by Father David B. Morrison.
Father Morrison
The church continued to grow and the building on Chestnut Street was not able to provide the space for the enlarged membership. The current property on Indian Springs Road was purchased and plans for a new church and rectory were developed. The new church provided seating for 400 people and was dedicated by Bishop Joseph McShea, Bishop of Allentown in 1967. Father John Auchter succeeded Father Morrison in 1970.
Father Auchter During Father Auchter’s two-year tenure as pastor of St. Columbkill, the new rectory was completed and the Chestnut Street property was sold to the Boyertown Area Historical Society. Father Richard J. Ford succeeded in Father Auchter in 1972. Father Auchter died in 2010.
Father Ford Father Ford’s pastorate was marked by the flourishing of renewal movements and Parish societies. The Charismatic Renewal and Marriage Encounter were introduced into the parish with many of the 500 families being involved. Father Ford was as fine musician and sponsored the Boyertown Arts Festival which was held in our building. Father Robert C. Quinn succeeded Father Ford in 1986. Father Ford died in 2005.
Father Quinn The growth of the parish continued its steady growth, overwhelming the facilities for education and worship. Father Quinn established a building committee to assess the needs of the parish; the main needs were identified as additional classroom space and a larger church. As a result, the Bernard Creemers Parish Center providing space for the Religious Education Program was completed in 1997. Plans for a new church were finalized and construction started in 2000. Plans for the new church almost doubled the church capacity from the 400 provided in 1967 to 700 now, with possible future expansion to 900. Bishop Edward P. Cullen, Bishop of Allentown, consecrated the new church in April 2001. The former church, constructed in 1970, was renamed Quinn Hall. Father Martin (Marty) F. Kern succeeded Father Quinn in 2009. Father Quinn died in 2014.
Father Kern As Father Marty became familiar with the parish and its physical assets, he realized it was time to address several maintenance issues. The ages of the buildings varied from 42 years for the original church building to 12 years for the Bernard Creemers Parish Center. Very little maintenance had been done and, at the minimum, all buildings needed new roofs. A new Building and Grounds Committee was formed and appraisal of the buildings was begun. Besides addressing the maintenance issues, Father Marty also wanted to remodel Quinn Hall to provide a modern, commercial grade kitchen complete with a renewed dining area. After much planning, praying and worrying the following projects were paid for and completed:
All the rest rooms in the Bernard Creemers Center and the original church were rehabilitated.
Two new rooms plus two “unisex” rest rooms were provided on the first floor of the Creemers Center.
The pre-school class rooms were relocated to the second floor, thereby creating a safe area for the class rooms by controlling access to the rooms.
Metal roofs were installed on the church, the Bernard Creemers Center and Quinn Hall.
The shingle roof on the rectory was replaced.
A commercial grade kitchen was built in Quinn Hall and the Hall itself was completely renovated with a new floor, ceiling, painting, new electronic equipment and a cloak room.
A covered entrance to the church was added and the walkway from the parking lot, as well as the parking lot, were revised to meet ADA standards.
Father Richard Clement succeeded Father Marty in 2021. Father Marty is currently the pastor of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Bethlehem. Father Rich
Father Rich is working with the Parish Council to enhance over seventy ministries and activities in the parish to provide spiritual nourishment to the parish families. Father is also addressing maintenance issues by replacing old HVAC equipment.