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Lectors proclaim the Word of God at our liturgies. Effective lectors should understand, feel, and project the mood and message of the passage. Join us if you feel called to be a proclaimer of God's Word!
Contact Jean Schlegel
mailto:[email protected]
We need clean linens and purificators for our liturgies. Those willing to help with this ministry are most welcome!
Contact: Nikki Rinehimer
[email protected]
Our Lady still calls us to prayer and right now the world needs our prayer more than ever! Sue Fryer and Megan Repko are leading a Medjugorje prayer group. The purpose of this group is to learn more about Our Lady of Medjugorje and her messages and pray for her intentions as well as the healing of our church, our nation, and the world.
To learn more about Our Blessed Mother and the messages she has been giving us for 40+ years, we are reading My Heart Will Triumph by Mirjana Soldo.
We meet on Saturdays at 3 pm (the Hour of Mercy) in the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room. Please email
Mailto: Megan Repko or Sue Fryer if you are interested so that we know to expect you!
Michael Repko is our Director of Music Ministry and our principal organist. Our music ministries include the parish organists, cantors, Adult Choir, Children's Choir, and Emmanuel Music Ministry.
Contact Michael Repko at:
[email protected]
Our contemporary music ministry, Emmanuel, leads us in song for our 10 a.m. Mass on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sunday of the month from the 3rd Sunday of September through Pentecost. Emmanuel practices Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in Church. New members are always welcome.
Contact: Kathy Herber at 610-944-6406 or email at: [email protected]
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly RCIA) is the program whereby interested adults take an in-depth look at the Catholic Church and decide to become fully initiated into our Catholic Faith by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
This program begins in October and concludes after Easter. The OCIA Team works closely in presenting this program. If you want to be on a team that welcomes people into our Roman Catholic Faith...THIS TEAM IS FOR YOU!
Contact Margaret Chovanes at 610-845-2600 to join this awesome team! Or email Margaret at:[email protected]
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) is the program whereby children who were not baptized at birth receive instructions appropriate for Baptism. Children who have not received sacraments appropriate for their age groups are instructed in sacraments. Once the children have passed through this program they continue on with their regular Religious Education Classes.
Contact Elizabeth Roberge at 610-367-2371 or email: mailto:[email protected]
Our parish provides formal religious education from Kindergarten to 8th grade. You are encouraged to take advantage of these programs in your role as a Catholic adult. The Church needs you to evangelize to our young Catholic children and teens. Resources & Training are provided. A tuition waiver is provided..
To join our team of Religious Education Catechists contact:
Elizabeth Roberge at 610-367-2371 or email her at: [email protected]
This Ministry is part of the Human Concerns Committee but extends beyond it. This Ministry is concerned with the entire scope of life issues from conception to death and works to keep these issues in front of our entire parish.
Contact Candee Holzman at 484-431-2085 or email her at: [email protected]
The Shawl Ministry was started by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo in 1997. The shawls are knitted by church members and given to someone in need of comfort and prayers. As the shawl is made, prayers are said for the recipient.
To join this amazing ministry contact:
Judy Fontana - leave a message at the parish office
Our ushers assist at all weekend and holy day liturgies. Vital to the smooth celebration of the liturgy, some of theduties include:
Additional ushers are always welcome, no experience is necessary and the ministry is open to any parishioner.Consider becoming a member of this fulfilling ministry today!Contact: Joe Richardson at [email protected] or 610-367-8195
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