Ministries (A-K)

  • Altar Servers

    Starting  in 5th grade and continuing through 12th grade, our students minister at the Altar each Sunday. 
    Coordinated by Deacon Joe Petrauskas
    emailto: Deacon Joe Petrauskas

  • Adult Choir

    Our Adult Choir leads the liturgical music of our 10:00 a.m. Mass many Sundays and practices on Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

    Contact: Michael Repko at [email protected]

  • Bible Study Group

    There is a weekly Bible Study held on Thursday mornings at 9:30am in the Knights/LAOH room.  Everyone is welcome!
    We will concentrate on the upcoming Sunday readings as well as incorporate some basic sound strategies for reading and understanding the Scriptures. For more information contact Margaret Chovanes:
    mailto:[email protected] or call her at: 610-367-2371 and leave a message.
  • Bereavement Ministry

    A Parish Bereavement group has been formed here at St. Columbkill.   Meetings are held every other Tuesday at 6:30 pm.  If you are interested in attending, kindly respond by calling the Parish office (610-367-2371) and leaving your name and phone number.   (You do not need to be a parishioner to attend the meeting)     God Bless,   Fr. Rich 

  • Charismatic Prayer Group

    Through participation in the Prayer Meetings many people have come to experience: 
    •  A personal relationship with Jesus
    •  Use of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    • A deeper personal prayer life.
    • Physical and inner healing.
    • Better marital and family relationships.
    •  Understanding of the scriptures, the sacraments, and the Mass.
    •  Freedom from fears and anxieties.

    Come strengthen your faith on Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Knights of Columbus/LAOH meeting room.  We are open to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Scripture, music, singing and joyfully praising the Lord.  Scripture-based teachings are given each week to help us live our Catholic faith.  Let us intercede for your needs, those of your family and friends, our parish, our country, and the world. All are welcome! For more information contact email Sue at mailto:[email protected] or email Don at mailto:[email protected].    
  • Children's Choir

    Children's Choir is open to 2nd through 6th-grade children. Children will sing at the 10 am Mass once a month. Rehearsals will take place on Sunday mornings twice a month from 9:15 am to 9:55 am. Contact Carolyn Quinn for more information at [email protected].


  • Family Ministry

    Creating fellowship for families with young children as we teach our children the Catholic faith!

    The Family Ministry Group is a group of families with young children who are striving to create fellowship as we teach our children the Catholic Faith! Our activities include a quarterly potluck brunch after the 10:00 Sunday Mass, Family Adoration hour on Thursday evenings at 6:00 in the Chapel, Children’s Rosary on Saturday mornings at 9:00 via Zoom, and Children’s liturgy during the 10:00 Mass on Sundays. For more information, please contact Sarah Sullivan at [email protected].

    Contact: Sarah Sullivan at [email protected] 

  • Catholic Grandparents Association

    Catholic Grandparents Association
    “ In old age, they will still bear fruit ” Ps 92  Our Mission: Passing on the faith and keeping prayer at the heart of family life
    Contact: Nadine Blair at 484-368-7989 or mail to:  [email protected]

  • Divine Mercy Ministry

    Our Divine Mercy Ministry invites all parishioners of any age to join us in our commitment to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for the gravely ill and dying among us. We are a team of 40 persons who strive to live the Mercy of Christ in our daily lives. We receive prayer requests which are then relayed by email or phone to our members who faithfully pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily.  Believing in all the promises made to Sr. Faustina from Jesus Himself, this powerful prayer many times is the last defense to save souls and this love and faith in Jesus can affect Eternity. Now, more than ever we unite with His heart and intention to bring all souls to His mercy.  We are also affiliated with the St. Francis Home in Shillington.  Some of our members volunteer a few hours weekly to support this wonderful caring hospice home. To learn more about becoming a prayer partner with us or volunteering at the St. Francis Home, please contact Paula Rhoads at 484 942 7670 or Diana Hospador at dvinemercy56@gmail,.com. Mercy matters! God bless you!
  • Emmanuel Music Ministry

     Our contemporary music ministry, Emmanuel, leads us in song for our 10:00 a.m. Mass on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month, starting with the 3rd Sunday of September through Pentecost. . Emmanuel practices each Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. in Church. New members are always welcome.

    Contact: Kathy Herber
    mailto:[email protected]


  • Eucharistic Ministers

    A most powerful and humbling ministry!  Jesus said, "Do not be afraid."  And this pertains also to this ministry.  If you feel called to this ministry...answer the call!
    Eucharistic Ministers are lay men and women appointed by the pastor to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at our Eucharistic celebrations. Active Catholic adults willing to reverently serve in this role are invited to submit their names for consideration. 
    Contact Fr. Rich Clement at 610-367-2371 

    Greeters Ministry

    It's always good to feel welcome! Our greeters welcome parishioners, newcomers, and visitors to the Lord's House before each Mass. They are available to provide directions and general information in a warm, friendly manner to make everyone feel part of the community. We always need additional greeters. The main qualification is a “glad to see you” smile.
    Contact the Parish Office at 610-367-2371 and become a Greeter!

  • Homebound Ministry

    Homebound Communion Calls: Anyone who is homebound and would like to receive Communion every week, please call Mariane at the Parish office (610-367-2371, ext 107) or email [email protected] and we will coordinate a visit from a Eucharistic Minister. If you are homebound and would like a recording of the Sunday Mass, please let us know.

  • Human Concerns Committee Ministry

    The committee reminds the parish of our obligation to take care of our brothers and sisters as pointed out by Jesus in Mt. 25:40 ("Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me."), and also of our need to be a witness to the community.
    We are involved in projects like Respect Life concerns, Annual coat drive, the Warming Tree, Christmas Cards for Nursing and Assisted Living Facilities, Mothers and Fathers Day Cards,  Love Lights Tree, Prayer Shawl Ministry, "Souper Bowl Collection" for Preston's Pantry , the Bereavement (Funeral Lunch) Committee,

    Many hands and hearts are needed to make all this happen, and your hands and hearts are welcome to join us.  New members are always welcome! 
    Human Concerns: Contact: Terry Voth at 610-367-9428  or emailto: [email protected]

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