Bowling for the Babies Again!: Our beloved Holy Roller combo of Sister Jean and Father Marty will once again be taking to the lanes at the 25
th Annual Bowlathon for Mary’s Shelter. This year’s event is on St. Patrick’s Day so we wish them the luck of the Irish and know that they will have the support of our parish family behind them as always. You will have the opportunity to make a donation (cash or check payable to Mary’s Shelter) after all the weekend Masses on March 9/10 and 16/17. Any amount you can spare would be greatly appreciated. You may even make a flat or per pin pledge and choose to be billed after their striking performance!
Mary’s Shelter saves lives, two at a time, by providing a transitional, caring, educational, spiritual and supportive housing environment for pregnant young women and their babies. On behalf of the Human Concerns Ministry, thank you for your support in helping Mary’s Shelter offer help and hope for generations to come